Build the Future: Modern eCommerce with Shopify + Next.js + Tailwind
If you are a developer looking to upskill and join the fastest growing industry, this is the course for you. Majority of students finish the course in less than a week!
Limited Capacity
Where our students work

Project-based course
you'll actually want to finish.
Build + Deploy your first Headless Shopify Storefront with Next.js + Tailwind in as little as a day.
Start building with the latest technologies used by the top brands, designers, and developers today!

Create over $50,000 in value for yourself or your clients!
"Let’s start with one of the most important factors: cost. The pricing for an enterprise headless project could cost anywhere from $50,000 to $500,000, plus annual maintenance costs, depending on the functionality, supporting tools, and level of customization." - Shopify

Build Blazing Fast Websites FAST!
Forget about spending months on your project! With this tech-stack, you can start building out your projects in a matter of hours! Oh yeah, and it's incredible fast and responsive too.

A Tech-Stack that allows for Effortless Coding and Prototyping.
Learn cutting edge technologies and how to write clean, efficient code.

What the Makers
are saying
Start building like the Pros.
Get a quick start with the latest tech stack that is in demand with the top brands and largest technology companies today.
- We take advantage of the Shopify Storefront API (GraphQL) to get a robust, lightning fast checkout system out of the box. No extra set up needed.
- Next.js is the React framework of choice for some of the largest companies in the world. It allows of effortless hybrid and server side rendering on the fly. The result is insanely fast page load times.
Tailwind CSS
- Tailwind CSS allows us to build modern websites without ever needing to touch our CSS file. It is a utility-first CSS framework used by some of the top designers and developers in the industry.
- By leveraging the GraphQL query language, we are able to fully leverage the Shopify Storefront API and build with read speed. By using the GraphQL explorer, we can see exactly what data we will be working with.
- Shipping production level projects to Vercel is as easy as a push of a button. You will learn how to efficiently configure Vercel for quick deployments
Let's talk about Learning
There are many ways to learn, some are better than others.

Self-Paced Lectures
You have a busy life, we undestand that and believe in learning asynchronous. Easily access the course anytime you want to learn.

Jam-Packed with Content
Next.js, GraphQL, Shopify Storefront API, Tailwind CSS, Vercel, React Hooks and so much more!

Action Based
This course is designed to get your started in as little time as possible. There are no Uhhs or Hmms. All straight to the point.
Topics Covered
September 2022 Bonus: Tailwind CSS Bundle
- Bundle with 9 new Tailwind CSS pre-built sections.
September 2022 Update: Storefront API updated
- Updated the course content to the most recent Storefront GraphQL API version.
March 2022 Update: Intro to Shopify Hydrogen
- Bonus lectures covering Shopify’s new Hydrogen Framework.
Feb 2022 Update: SWR for Next.js
- Using SWR for automatically updating content on SSG (Static Site Generation) websites.
Next.js for Ecommerce
- Setting up a Next.js project, overview of the file structure. getStaticPaths and getStaticProps functions that will allow us to build insanely fast pages.
Shopify Storefront API (GraphQL)
- How to create queries and mutations of the Shopify Storefront API using the GraphiQL explorer. Implementing static pages with GraphQL to improve load times.
GraphQL Queries
- A quick overview of the GraphQL querying language, just enough to be dangerous and start building out production level code.
React Context
- Utilizing the React Context API to create a responsive and dynamic Mini-Cart and handle all of the data flowing through the application.
Custom Product Pages
- How to use the Shopify product options and variants query to create a unique user experience.
Tailwind CSS
- How to learn Tailwind CSS the quickest way possible and be able to make changes on the fly.
React Hooks
- How to utilize the latest React tools to quickly prototype and create scalable components.
- How to instantly deploy your website to Vercel including test branches.
Future updates will include:
- Triggering webhooks for product updates, site changes, etc.
Additional Sections
- Ecommerce ready sections for Next.js using Tailwind CSS (currently 5 are included with the course assets)
And much more!
- This course will be updated as new updates come up!
Includes bonus content!
If you're not satisfied within the first 30 days, we'll send you a full refund. No questions asked.
Lifetime Access
Learn the latest technologies to start building production ready Shopify storefronts. Get updates as soon as they are released.
What's included
High Quality Video Lectures
Priority Support and Project Planning
Premium Pre-Built Tailwind Sections
Access to Full Repo
Production-Ready Portfolio Project
Free Updates
Limited Time Pricing
Updated February 2023
Premium Tailwind CSS Sections Bundle for FREE!
Get 9 high quality Tailwind CSS sections to use on your own website.

Bundle extended for limited time!
What we will be building
Having a snappy website is becoming increasingly important for eCommerce stores. In this course we use all the latest technologies to bring a modern shopping experience to the customer. This is done through the use of Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and the Shopify Storefront API. It is easy to see the difference between what we will be building when compared to an older eCommerce store.

Frequently asked questions
Ready to buildthe modern experience?
Learn all the skills you need to stand out and build epic stores. Love it or your money back.